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My opinion

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

In the world, especially in Chile, there are many abandoned animals in the streets. Everyday I see stray dogs and I feel very sad when I can not help them. I would love to have a very big house to adopt them all. Charlie is my dog ​​and he adopts it when you are only one month old, I think we propose a way of the ways we have to help these animals, especially cats and dogs. Pets that you can buy the plane parts wait before you own an owner. There are breeding places where the animals of race, is very sad. Adopting we help these things don't happen!

What is your opinion about Immigration?

Immigration, like many things in life, has its advantages and disadvantages. Having foreigners living in our country is very enriching, because they teach us a new culture and economically it is favorable, since they pay their taxes and consume goods and services . On the other hand it is unfavorable for some foreigners who are criminals or drug traffickers.

What is your opinion about climate change?

I don't understand to the people who say that climate change doesn't exist, if it is something we see daily. In the news we see many tragedies due to forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, because of to climate change. I think this is something serious and if we don't do something now, there will be serious consequences.

What is your opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I agree with the abortion to the 3 causes, because each woman has the option to decide what to do with her body and take care of her life in case of risks. Imagine that having a child due to rape could be very traumatic and difficult for the child and the mother. I think it is good that every woman has the option to decide.


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