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Showing posts from October, 2018

My future job

When I think about what I would like to do in the future, many ideas come to my mind, although some ideas are a little crazy ones. I think the work I would like to have, for example, would be to become a manager of a business, of a supermarket or a bar & restaurant. I feel that owning something of your own is full of challenges and happiness due to the achievements, maybe is something difficult, but not impossible. I imagine that you must be great have your own business and offer people rich, healthy, natural and quality products. I would like to have very time to travel a lot, to learn and get ideas that will help in my business. Regarding salary, I only hope it is enough to do all the things I hope for, such as traveling, growing professionally, having a family, among others. Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to continue studying after finishing my career, I would like specialize in something  related to economics, as a master in finances or I would also like so

Nanotechnology in the food industry

The topic that I choose today to write in my blog is because is very practical and important inform us about the packaging and the technology that composes them. In the world tons of food end up in the trash, because maintaining the optimal properties of food is sometimes more complicated than we think. Therefore, the nanotechnology is called to reign in the packaging industry. This is very important because this technology provides active and intelligent packaging that helps us to conserve food for a longer time, it makes them safer and helps them to preserve their qualities. The Nanotechnology is one of the most promising and fastest growing technologies in our society and therefore in the food industry, since it allows the development of a new generation of intelligent and innovative products and processes. I didn't know before that it was an active packing or an intelligent label. This year I did a job on these packing for a subject of the University, there

About pets, love and friendship

I love animals!, I have always liked to observe them when they are sunbathing relaxed or when they run free and happy. One of my dreams is have a house with a big garden to have many dogs, of all sizes and types. Although I prefer big dogs, I would also like to have small pets such as ferrets and hedgehogs. I've only had one pet, it is a dog, that I adopted when it was only one month old of life. His name is Charlie, because he is just as crazy as Charlie Garcia or Charly Sheen ... Charlie is “kilterrier”, but he has the colors of a rottweiler. When i don’t call him by his name, I call him demon , because he sometimes looks like a very territorial dog and when a unknown person go to my house, Charlie growls very loud , but when he feels relax, he looks like an angel. Although sometimes charlie is very wild, I consider him as my brother. I never believed that have a pet would make me so happy, I love Charlie very much and I hope him will stay with me for many more years.

My best holidays

The summer holidays of this year I made my first travel without my parents.   I went with my boyfriend to the south of Chile and we traveled different and beautiful cities during two weeks. I was happy, so I had never gone south of Chile, because I and my parents always went to the beach “La Boca de Rapel”. Our first destination was Valdivia, I met the famous bridge, sea lions and a nearby beach called “Niebla”. One of the things that I liked the most was that I was able to go to the Kunstmann brewery, when I probed many varieties of beer. After I met the Osorno volcano and its crystal clear lake. In the buses we translated many small towns and during two days we camped in Petrohue, this is a place with magical landscapes. I met there Petrohue waterfall’s , I take many Photographs! The second week of travel we were in “Panguipulli” with my boyfriend, we traveled beaches and nearby towns. My favourite day was when we went to the hot springs, one of t

A Country I Would Love To Visit

Knowing different places is one of my favorite hobbies, meeting different cities of my country is a beautiful experience, you can meet diverse people and wonderful landscapes. Travel to another country should be even more captivating, because you know different and striking cultures completely, many times I fantasize about what I would do if I would travel to another country.       If I had the opportunity of travel, I would go to Greece, because it is a place with dreamed landscapes. The white of its constructions together with the sea form beautiful postcards. I don’t know much about Greece, but I know that it is the place where born the western philosophy and the Olympic Games. I would like to travel to Greece in approximately 10 more years, to know its culture and enjoy of those landscapes and to know the history of Athens.  I would love to go to the villa santorini, tour the islands by boat, go to the hidden beaches, for example: Gerakas, Aguzos Nikolaos and