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Showing posts from August, 2018

My experience...

Sometimes in my social networks I express my ideas and opinions on some topic or I speak about my feelings in a subtle way. When I talk to my friends and companions of the university i like to discuss different topics, talk about what we like, so that my mind doesn’t just think about things of the university. This was my first blog and I feel it was a very didactic tool, where I managed mix the university with my personal interests, since I wrote about different topics that I liked and also about others that I didn’t know very well, so thanks to blogs I could learn beyond the language. I had never written so much in English, sometimes I had to look up the meaning of some words in order to unite my ideas, thanks to this i knew many new words and expressions. Now I can read texts in English more easily and if I don’t understand a word I can deduce it according to the context. There are many interesting topics that can be used to write a blog, for example: television series


The obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a kind of anxiety disorder. The people that have this disorder, have obsessions; this is a set of thoughts and irrational fears that provoke repetitive behaviors (compulsions). This obsessions and compulsions interfere in the daily activities and cause a lot of anguish. A few, the obsessions deal with different topics, for example: Fear of contamination or dirt Need of that things to be arranged symmetrically Aggressive or horrendous thoughts about hurting or hurting others unwanted Aggressive thoughts, or religious or sexual subjects The researchers think that maybe the brain circuits doesn’t work properly in people with  OCD. This condition have a family trend. Frequently, symptoms begin in childhood or adolescence, this Symptoms usually manifest gradually and vary in severity throughout life, but They usually get worse when you feel more stress.  When a child has OCD, his or her disruption can interfere with the school, extra

The most enjoyable subject...

 During these 3 semesters that I have been in the university I have seen many subjects; theoretical,practical in the laboratory, there are subjects that have both options, for example Biology. I  have also had sports subjects, called "CFG". I don't have a favorite subject, but there are some that I like more than others.  Analytical chemistry is a theoretical subject of the third semester that I like. In this subject we see different topics, for example, chemical equilibrium, analysis of anions and cations, redox volumetry, among others. I like this sybjetc, for different factors, one of them is because I have good marks,  another factor is that it is a theoretical subject, therefore I shouldn't go to the laboratory.  The mathematical calculations and the way of performing the exercises is very mechanical, you have to be ordered to arrive at the correct answer and that is very good for me. I don't  have a good memory, but now I am surprised, since this s