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Showing posts from December, 2018

English Language Challenges

Today is very important know different languages . In the workplace it is very positive to know how to speak English, because of it is one of the universal languages. If you to know a little of this language, you can speak with very people of different countries.   My experience learning English in the university has been good, the classes are very interactive!, although I would like to have a little as a means to learn is a very good idea, as it allows you to know new words and idioms, you can improve your writing and use a different language!. more time, to study the language and get better results. I consider that the use of the blogs I think there are many aspects that I need to improve about my English and I think the best way to do it is creating conversations with my friends who know how to speak the language well, so that they can correct mistakes or teach new idioms. Listening to and singing songs in English it's a very good idea, then you can look up the