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Showing posts from April, 2018

My favorite piece of technology

The cell phone is my favorite piece of technology. My first cell phone was when I was eleven years old and I quickly realized that this piece of technology was multifunctional. Today I use my cell phone every day; every morning when I go to the university I listen to music on my cell phone. Every afternoon my mom calls me to know if I had lunch or ask how has been my day.. When I'm in classes and I don’t have a calculator, I use my cell phone sometimes. I talk with my friends every day, even I don’t use my computer a lot to talk with them. What I like the most to do with my cell phone is to take pictures, I have more than 2000 images to remember different moments. If I wouldn’t have my cell phone, everything would be more difficult, but I think I could live without it.

Why did you choose this career?

When I was 8 years my dream job was   to be a singer, but when I turned 13 years I realized that my dream wasn't very realistic and that maybe nerver woud be. During my stay in the secundary school I thought in the posibilities that I had. By then I wanted to study forensic medicine, commercial engineering or nutrition. The days before taking the PSU I decided what to study... My choice was to study "food engineering" a  little know  career , but that met many of my interests. Now I am in my second year studing to become a food engineer, I am vey excited, i love knowing things about food industry, but regrettably I dont have specific classes of my career yet. I hope to work in the administration area, because i would like to be manager in the food industry.

Getting to know each other

Hello, my name is Francisca Javiera Adriana,  I am twenty years old and I  live in Santiago of Chile with my parents and Charlie "my brother dog".  I studied for thirteen years in the Boston college school and since two years ago I studying Food engineering in the university of Chile. I love to know about diferents kind of aliments, their properties and benefits for  to apply them in daily life, but I have a lot hobbies too. I like go to the cinema with my boyfriend, dance and drink with my friends the weekend, go to hill to walk and take photos, swim in the lake, sing in the rain and see stars in the south of Chile. There are very things i will like do and that i have been unable to do, for example know the world and finish my studies.